Beyond being an actor, playwright, and director, Abigail has also worked as a designer, stage manager, puppeteer, and publicity manager.


Poster Designer of Humble Boy by Tim Minchin and Dennis Kelly

  • Columbia University Players, Spring 2023

Poster Designer of Blood Orange by Abigail Duclos

  • The Barnard College Department of English, Spring 2023

Co-Poster Designer of Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare

  • King’s Crown Shakespeare Company, Spring 2023

  • Co-Poster Designers: Elsa Chung & Maya Shore

Co-Poster Designer, Co-Lighting Designer, & Co-Sound Designer of Matilda the Musical by Tim Minchin and Dennis Kelly

  • Columbia University Musical Theatre Society, Spring 2023

  • Co-Poster Designer: Caroline Egler; Co-Lighting Designer: Katie Cherven; Co-Sound Designer: Katie Cherven

Co-Poster Designer of Camp Cattywampus by Abigail Duclos and Tess Inderbitzin

  • Columbia University Performing Arts League, Fall 2023

  • Co-Poster Designer: Tess Inderbitzin

Poster Designer of Fun Home by Jeanine Tesori and Lisa Kron

  • Barnard College Department of Theatre, Spring 2022

  • Featuring artwork by Kate Ellis

This website was also designed by Abigail, with the help of Squarespace!

Stage Manager

Stage Manager of Jackie by Elfriede Jelinek, trans. Gitta Honegger

  • Barnard Theatre Department, Spring 2022

  • Director: Madison Hatchett; Dramaturg: Kristoff Smith

Co-Stage Manager of Matilda the Musical by Tim Minchin and Dennis Kelly

  • Columbia University Musical Theatre Society

  • Co-Directors: Caroline Egler & Miranda Paiz; Co-Stage Manager: Katie Cherven


Puppetmaster of Henry IV: Parts I and II by William Shakespeare

  • King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe, Fall 2023

  • Director: Theo Taplitz

Puppetmaster of Head Over Heels by Jeff Whitty and James Magruder

  • Columbia University Musical Theatre Society, Spring 2023

  • Director: Is Perlman

Image to the left is from the set of Henry IV: Parts I and II, which was designed by Su Khadka

Publicity Manager

Publicity Manager of Matilda the Musical by Tim Minchin and Dennis Kelly

  • Instagram account of Matilda

  • Columbia University Musical Theatre Society, Spring 2023

  • Co-Directors: Caroline Egler & Miranda Paiz; Co-Stage Manager: Katie Cherven

Co-Publicity Manager of Camp Cattywampus

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