

for the first time you read Kafka,” in Barnard Echoes

Personal Editorials:

Unlikely Place: A Reflection on Death, Grief, and the Healing Powers of Horror Movies,” in The Columbia Spectator

Short Stories:

“Until Human Voices Wake Us,” in Pratt Institute’s Wurd Magazine

The image to the left is a piece drawn by Carina Sun for The Columbia Spectator’s publication of “Unlikely Places.”


The Ethel Stone LeFrak Prize

A college-wide prize awarded to a Barnard student for “excellence in the field of the arts, including, but not limited to, art history, music theory, architecture, and the performing arts”

Awarded by Barnard College to Abigail Duclos in May, 2023

The Helen Prince Memorial Prize

For excellence in dramatic composition

Awarded by the Barnard College Department of English to Abigail Duclos in May, 2023

The Dasha Amsterdam Epstein Award in Acting

For achievement in acting, awarded to a Columbia University senior based on body of work in the Theatre Department

Awarded by the Barnard College Department of Theatre in May, 2023

The Brandt Playwriting Award

For the most promising one-act play

Second place was awarded by the Barnard College Department of English to Abigail Duclos in May, 2023

The Peter S. Prescott Prize for Prose Writing

For “a work of prose fiction which gives the greatest evidence of creative imagination and sustained ability”

Awarded by the Barnard College Department of English to Abigail Duclos in May, 2022


Abigail graduated from Barnard College of Columbia University with a GPA of 3.94. She received Magna Cum Laude honors. She was also on the Dean’s List of Barnard for academic achievement every semester that it was available.

Pictured to the left: Abigail (right) and her friend Katie Cherven (left). Photo by Maya Shore.